100 Plus Daily Used Bengali Words Starting with ‘K’ By Learn Bengali Now

100 Plus Daily Used Bengali Words Starting with ‘K’ By Learn Bengali Now

Kind – সদয় – Sodoi Know – জানি – Jani Keep – রাখা – Rakha Key – চাবি – Chabi Kitchen – রান্নাঘর – Rannaghor Kid – বাচ্চা – Bachaa King – রাজা – Raja Knowledge – জ্ঞান – Gyaan Kiss – চুমু – Chumu Kick – লাথি – Lathi Knee – হাঁটু – Hatu…

learn bengali now

100 Plus Bengali Words Starting with ‘B’ By Learn Bengali Now

1. Baby- শিশু- Sishu 2. Ball- বল- Ball 3. Banana- কলা- Kola 4. Beautiful- সুন্দর- Sundor 5. Bicycle- সাইকেল- Cycle 6. Bird- পাখি- Pakhi 7. Book- বই- Boi 8. Butterfly- প্রজাপতি- Pojapoti 9. Busy- ব্যস্ত- Besto 10. Blue- নীল- Nil 11. Boat- নৌকা- Nowka 12. Building- ভবন- Bhobon 13. Business- ব্যবসা- Babsha 14. Button- বোতাম-…

bengali festival

Bengali Festivals ( বাঙালি উৎসব ) Bengali Utsob

Bengali festivals are an integral part of the rich cultural heritage of the Bengali people, primarily in the Indian state of West Bengal and the country of Bangladesh. These festivals are marked by colorful celebrations, religious rituals, music, dance, and traditional cuisine. Here are some of the most significant Bengali festivals: 1.Durga Puja Durga Puja…

popular bengali food

Popular Bengali Food

1. Machher Jhol This is a classic Bengali fish curry made with various types of fish, mustard oil, spices, and vegetables. It’s usually served with steamed rice. 2. Bengali Sweets Bengali sweets, or “mishti,” are renowned throughout India. Some popular ones include Rasgulla (spongy cheese balls soaked in sugar syrup), Sandesh (a sweet made from…

about bengali language

About Bengali Language

About Bengali Language Bengali (Bangla) is an Indo-Aryan language native to the Bengal region of South Asia. It is the official and national language of Bangladesh, and the second-most widely spoken of the 22 scheduled languages of India. It is also spoken by the Bengalis living in West Bengal, Tripura, southern Assam and the Bengali…

Bengali Alphabet বাংলা বর্ণমালা

Bengali Alphabet বাংলা বর্ণমালা

Bengali Alphabet / বাংলা বর্ণমালা The Bengali alphabet is a syllabic alphabet derived from the Brahmi script. বাংলা বর্ণমালা হল ব্রাহ্মী লিপি থেকে উদ্ভূত একটি সিলেবিক বর্ণমালা। It is used to write the Bengali language, which is spoken by over 265 million people in Bangladesh, India, and other parts of the world. এটি বাংলা ভাষা…

learn bengali now human body parts 123

Human Body Part Names in Bengali

1. Ear – kan – কান The ear, a multifunctional organ in mammals,কান, স্তন্যপায়ী প্রাণীর একটি বহুমুখী অঙ্গ, facilitates hearing and body balance through the vestibular system.ভেস্টিবুলার সিস্টেমের মাধ্যমে শ্রবণশক্তি এবং শরীরের ভারসাম্য বজায় রাখে। It comprises three main sections: the outer ear,এটি তিনটি প্রধান অংশ নিয়ে গঠিত: বাইরের কান, which includes the pinna and…